Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Reading Is Fundamental :)

Sometimes, you just need to take a deep breath, sleep on things and not wantonly give in to your impetuous side :)
I've always seen things in concrete terms. Black or white.
Right or wrong.
And facts are facts.
I've never been too comfortable with people putting on 'airs' or pretending they are something they are not.
Especially when they misuse or abuse others. Then it's time to call a spade a spade.
I'm still taking my time here to not give in to my petty side.
I want to level the scales. Oh do I ever :)

But I need to determine just what benefit that will produce.
Who will it help? Who will it hurt?
Simply revealing people for what they really are could stand on its own.. Clearly.
Let the world know just what kind of folks are slinging the most crap.
They'd be shocked to know the truth. I know I was.
Just when you believe that you can't think any lower of a bunch of people who thrive on evil, you learn more.
I need to take a walk, fix dinner and decide what I want to do next :)
Do I type or do I just let it go?
I'll let ya know!