Sunday, June 6, 2010

Being Human and Having One's Butt Handed To Them :)

I believe that each day presents many, many moments in which we can actively choose what kind of person we are or want to be.
If you know me, you know that it's hard work! :)
I'm outspoken, not shy and have an opinion on every damned thing!
And I am fallible and human. Fact.
Today, I am wondering how much of a sin it is to garner a little bit of satisfaction from observing someone get what they deserve.
I've finally come to embrace the realization that evening the scales isn't my job. It's not my duty.
But if you know of a person who thrives on meanness, on mocking innocent people with horrible abandon, and by a twist of fate or a turn of God's hand, they become the recipient of a little bit of a bad time at the bidding of another, how evil is it for me to have to smile about it?
Much like great scenes in great movies, where the entire theater crowd erupts in a voluminous roar of powerful joy when the bad guy 'gets it', I was able to observe a bully being bullied.
And they didn't and don't like it much! Go figure.
They certainly have it coming. They have been a horrid tormentor of  many good people. And now, another bully is on their tail.
I have to confess. I wished for a minute that the newest bully high up on the food chain would latch onto the lower form like a bad, relentless rash. Guilty as charged.
It's wrong. I know that. And if I take the time to think about it and pray about it, I'll be able to reach inside and find the compassionate part of myself.
I've learned that bullies are to be pitied. They have large holes in their soul and that is heartbreaking.
But today, for a minute, it was secretly okay for me to see a bully get a dose of their own medicine.
I need to work on that part of my humanity. I know that.